Urban Decay Heavy Metals Palette

The palette: Urban Decay Heavy Metals . Purchased with points at Ulta. I probably would not have paid cash money for this palette because it looked beautiful but also annoying. I am tired of depotting awkward palettes. For free, what the heck? Note that I'm probably judging a free palette less harshly than I'd just a palette I paid cash for. I'm not going to post swatches. I think there are plenty of swatches already out there if you just want to see the shades outside the palette. I'm going to post some of the first looks I got from playing around. General thoughts on the palette will be at the end. We begin with a full work week of looks, dumb expressions and all. I'm not a model. I mean, obviously. Just playing around with makeup here. Look 1: Transition/crease shades are Buon Fresco and Venetian Red from ABH Modern Renaissance. From Heavy Metals, I used Punk Rock all over the lids, Glamrock on the inner co...