
Hello and welcome to my revamped beauty blog!

I had one at for a while.  I had all these intentions for it, but then life happened and it fizzled out.  Why did I pay for a blog anyway?  Sometimes I do impulsive things.  I'm human.

I've realized I don't want to "be a blogger" (like with a blogging schedule) but it would be nice to have a home for reviews longer than one or two words on Instagram.  Most people don't actually read Instagram anyway; you're looking at pictures and moving on by.

The name: I'm covered in blue tattoos.  I've been called names relating to my extreme pallor my entire life.  Snow White is probably the most positive of them.  I'm not that white anymore; I'm blue.  Put the two together.  There you go.

What's going to be coming:

  • Product reviews, although not a huge amount!  I am not going to be doing huge hauls and reviews just for the sake of having content.  I'll review things as the mood strikes.
  • Tutorials, sometimes.  Pics of looks without instructions are more likely if I'm honest.
  • Project pans, maybe.  These appeal to me.  I haven't done one yet.  I have a hoard.  Not like hoarder level hoard.  It's more like a stunted adolescent dragon's hoard.  Still, a hoard.  Do I need to keep adding to it?  Not really.  I'm trying to be more conscientious about my choices and avoid excessive crass consumption. It's a work in progress.
  • Organization and maintenance.  This is an ongoing issue that I have.  Another reason to stop hoarding.
  • Talking about specific issues that I have.  Examples include numerous allergies, pale skin, dry skin, hooded lids, and I guess just getting older.  I look young but I'm over 40.  
  • Possibly some hair stuff.  I'm not great at hair.  I'm one of those people who can spend a happy forty five minutes on eye makeup alone but then feel like spending five minutes on hair is sucking my will to live.  And this is why I have long hair.
  • Nails?  
  • Tattoos: Deciding on them, picking an artist, aftercare, etc.  Common questions that I'm asked.  Pro tip: If you see someone covered in 100% blue tattoos, don't ask if they're ever going to add color.  Stop yourself from speaking, pull out your phone, and Google the primary colors.  
  • Anything else that strikes my fancy.  There will likely be corgis involved.


  1. Replies
    1. XD

      I have a post scheduled to go up on August 1st at noon. So if I don't manage to update between now and then, there's that coming.

    2. Legitimately excited you're starting a blog up again. I love your irreverence.


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