
Showing posts from August, 2017

Everyday Red Look

When I wake up in the morning and I don't feel like getting dressed, that's when I'm most likely to revert to a default daily look.  In my case, that involves a lot of red.  I usually read for Modern Renaissance, but I got carried away and added some Geek Chic glittery red today too.   I'll mention a couple of products and where they were placed in the body of this post, but a full list of products is also at the end.   I got one eye right.  One.  I'll take it. The best way I managed to capture the glitter is in a blurry picture.  There's barely a speck of it showing in pics that focused properly.  So we're going with it. I now get to spend my day pretending I meant to do that to my inner corner. Fun with smile bags. I used some random pan of whitish shadow as a base shade over primer.  Then blended Realgar into my "crease" and patted Venetian Red all over the lid, blending slightly into Realgar.  Added Love + with a sma

Back to School Week

Hi.  I'm in my 40s and still going to damn college.  I did not grow up in the age of computers and easy access to information.  I was taught abstinence-only.  So I got pregnant when I was seventeen.  Hahahahaha.  So effective.  I am not even going to get into that whole story, other than the part where I finally went back to school when my two kids were teens.  I have to work, and I have a family.  I go part time.  It's taking a while.  I finally graduate in the spring (and then move on to university -- we are not done here).  This week, I began the penultimate semester of community college.  I enjoy the word "penultimate".  I'm going to overuse it in the coming months, and I'm not sorry. Day One: History class.  I'm getting a degree in history.  The second part of US history is the last basic lower level history class that I need.  I am relieved to discover my professor is not a names-and-dates maniac who delights in making you pore over every tedious d

Dupe for KVD Lolita Eyeshadow/Blush: Notoriously Morbid

In my effort to put my little Notoriously Morbid stash to use, I pulled out a baggie with a sample of Good Little Girl Routine this morning.  I didn't know what I wanted to do with it but I'm drawn to reds, so I just started slapping it on my eyes.  That is when I saw it. Pardon the half rolling eye.  This color! I have never tried Kat Von D's Lolita Eyeshadow and Blush.  I have tried the lipstick and it pulls very orange on me.  I've seen the shadow pull very orange on some people and rosy on others.  I'm sure it would go orange on me just like the lipstick.  The main reason I made no effort to buy it is ingredients.  Kat Von D makeup is doing this annoying thing now where they don't post ingredients.  I have way too many allergies to feel like risking it.  It was limited edition and it's gone now but you can see pictures all over the internet.  Pictures and a review in this blog post . When I saw Good Little Girl Routine on my eyes, I stopped cari

July 2017 Hits, Misses, and Pans

This is going to be the first in what will be a monthly series of favorites, rejects, and panned products.  If you're not familiar with the term "panned", it means products you finished off, but not just any random product -- specifically products that come pressed into pans, like powder eye shadow or pressed face powder.  I might loosely apply the term to empties in general, or I might do separate empties posts.  I'm not sure yet.  I'll throw in products that I hit pan on this month (but didn't necessarily fully pan), because hitting pan is so satisfying.   I will begin with a picture of some of this month's favorites in action.  Details on this look at the end of the post. Ignore this crazy hair, which is bedhead full of coconut oil because I'm fancy. I'm aware my neck is yellow next to my face. My "tan" is yellow, and bad lighting brings it out. Fun!  Hits: 1. Ofra Liquid Lipstick in Napa Valley . Bought this from